Brooklyn Turns 2!

Brooklyn Turns 2!

Monday, January 15, 2018

As He Waves Goodbye

The morning sky was of that of a painting. It displayed a beautiful turquoise blue and the sunrise painted the water wave looking clouds bright orange.

Not too sure why, but the radio happened to be on Sirius 80's on 8, playing "Manic Monday" by The Bangles... I couldn't help but smile and be taken back. Talk about a flashback to my childhood! I looked in my rearview mirror to share my excitement but saw both of my girls with their eyes closed, their curls fallen over their eyes. One was probably dreaming of a new L.O.L Surprise Doll and the other was probably dreaming of what new food she's going to try today.


And there, right next to me, was my 6 year old, extremely dilegent son holding my hand, looking up at me, his eyes looked of a bright green...

 "Mom, why does the sky look like that?  God painted it, didn't He?"

He gave me a kiss, jumped out of the car, turned around, looked at me, smiled and waved goodbye...

There is something about that wave as he walks into school, it gets me every time.

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

His Best Friend

As I was taking my contacts out last night, I heard, in the sweetest voice, "mommy, you are my very best friend--I love you sooo much!" (happy tears) I opened the door and kneeled down to his level and said, "Awe, Cameron, you just made mommy feel so much better." (darn flu) I also informed him that he was my very best friend, too, and that I loved him to infinity and beyond. My love will never end. ❤️ 

After hearing him say that I was his best friend, all on his own, I asked him what a best friend meant to him... He said, "I love you, you love me, and we do everything together--so you are my very best friend." ❤️ A B I G thank you to the adorable children's movie "Little Rascals" for teaching my son about friendship.  ❤️ 

I know he's heard the phrase "best friend" before, but I've never said it to him or explained what a best friend was, I always felt he was still too little to understand. 

I am happy that once he understood the definition of a "best friend", I was the first he chose to be "his very best friend." ❤️ Mommy's always love a little boost of confidence--it's the best feeling, especially when it comes from your children. ❤️

Sweet dreams, my little angel--your best friend I'll always be. ❤️ 

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Mommy and Daddy's Twinkies

I cannot explain to you how hard it is to get Cameron to hold Brooklyn! Two days ago I bathed them together and for the first time ever, Cameron held his sister, with my help of course! It was the sweetest moment, even brought tears to my eyes! Having a new sister take up mama's time, nursing and just bonding has really been hard for Cameron. He was so used to having me all to himself. It's been VERY hard on mama, too, but has been a blessing at the same time.  So, any chance I get alone with Cameron, I take it! We are still getting used to all this change. :-)

Cameron played with his sister a bit before getting dressed today, and I was able to capture those sweet moments. After they were all dressed, I tried to capture a few more, but Cameron was so over it. So, he convinced me, if I gave him my phone, he'd actually sit there and let me capture a few more pictures of them before going out to pick sticks to make the star for our Christmas tree. While taking pictures, I kept hearing a "Hello, Cameron." Haha... Then he said, "Hello, Gree" (Gran). I could not stop laughing. Anytime he gets ahold of my phone, he calls his Gree, and when he gets ahold of his daddy's phone he calls his Meme (daddy's mom)...never fails. LOVE IT!!!!

I hope you enjoy our beautiful babies... Gotta love the way Brooklyn looks at Cameron. Priceless.

We LOVE our #honest #diapers

She was SOOO over that hat! :)

Our Elves Have Arrived

The morning after Thanksgiving, to Cameron's surprise, not one, but TWO elves sat on our "S" this year. CUTEST THING EVER!

Oh, the innocence!

Our newest addition.
We have our boy and girl - Life is complete.
Our girl.
Our boy.
Really looking her over...
...and now him.

Now, if we could only get him to decide on a name other than Elf!


More to come, so stay tuned.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Do You Like Green Eggs and Ham?

"Say! I like green eggs and ham!
I do! I like them, Sam-I-am!
And I would eat them in a boat.
And I would eat them with a goat.
And I will eat them in the rain.
And in the dark. And in a tree.
They are so good, so good, you see...

Say! I will eat them ANYWHERE!" -Dr. Seuss

Whew... What an imagination!  You know your child LOVES a book when you have it memorized from front to back!  How could you not absolutely love reading every source of Dr. Seuss?!  His work becomes more entertaining and even more fun to read each time my son crawls in my lap and we crack open a part of his creative world. 

So, what's a more fitting way to bring a book to life, you ask?! Why, by bringing it's subject to life in your own kitchen by a pair of the littlest and a pair of the sweetest hands around... 

Cameron and his cousin, Madison, cooked up some magic, and there's no doubt about it! ;-)

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Jack Frost Has Struck West Texas

As the smell of hot chocolate and homemade chicken noodle soup linger through the air of our home, the sound of ice is chiming on our windows. AND--What better way to enjoy this winter weather than by streaming Frank Sinatra Christmas on my iRadio station, stringing the lights on our Christmas tree, and building a fire so that Cameron can make s'mores w/ mommy?!

#hunter #rainboots

Messy, messy, messy, #messy

Goodnight west Texas

Saturday, November 23, 2013

It's Been A While

My, how times have changed since my last post 4 months ago...

Meet Brooklyn Monroe

1st day home.

1 week well check-up. #honest #diapers

We love Dr. G :)
#superincrediblebigbrother #potterybarnkids

2 weeks old #yaladesigns
I am now a mother of TWO! I have to pinch myself from time to time to remind myself that this is truly MY reality.  I can not believe my dream of being a mother of a boy and girl have come true! I continue to count my blessings because I know our great and powerful Lord and Savior heard my prayers--I have truly received EVERYTHING I have ever prayed for and have learned a great deal along the way. What a GIFT motherhood is! I truly feel honored.